Web components and it’s usges:

Vibha Sharma
3 min readMar 1, 2023

In recent years, web components have gained popularity as a way to build reusable and modular components for web applications. Web components are a set of web platform APIs that allow developers to create their own custom HTML elements, encapsulate their functionality and style, and reuse them across different projects. This post will explore the advantages of using web components in web development.


One of the key benefits of using web components is their reusability. Developers can create custom HTML elements with their own styles and behavior and reuse them across different projects. This can save significant development time and effort, as well as ensure consistency across different applications.

<custom-button text="Click me"></custom-button>


Web components provide a high degree of encapsulation, meaning that the functionality and styles of a component are contained within the component itself. This makes it easier to maintain and update the component, as well as avoid conflicts with other components or styles in the application.

<h2>Modal Title</h2>
<p>Modal content</p>
<custom-button slot="footer" text="OK"></custom-button>

Modularity :

Web components promote modularity in web development by breaking down complex user interfaces into smaller, more manageable pieces. Developers can create small, self-contained components that can be combined to create more complex UIs. This makes it easier to maintain and update the application, as well as promote code reuse.

<custom-input label="Username"></custom-input>
<custom-input label="Password" type="password"></custom-input>
<custom-button text="Submit"></custom-button>

Customization :

Web components allow developers to customize the behavior and style of their components. This makes it easier to create components that meet specific requirements or use cases, as well as ensure consistency with the overall design of the application.

<custom-slider min="0" max="100" step="1" value="50"></custom-slider>

Interoperability :

Web components are interoperable with different web frameworks and libraries, allowing developers to use them in different environments without having to rewrite the code. This makes it easier to integrate web components into existing projects, as well as ensure compatibility with future technologies.


Performance :

Web components can improve the performance of web applications by reducing the amount of code that needs to be loaded and executed. By breaking down complex UIs into smaller components, web components can reduce the amount of redundant code and improve the overall performance of the application.

<custom-table-cell>John Doe</custom-table-cell>
<custom-table-cell>Jane Smith</custom-table-cell>

In conclusion, web components offer a number of advantages in web development, including reusability, encapsulation, modularity, customization, interoperability, and performance. By leveraging the power of web components, developers can create more scalable, maintainable, and efficient web applications, as well as reuse their components across different projects.

If you want to know how to use web components in an Angular project: https://vibhas1892.medium.com/how-to-use-web-components-in-angular-applications-f82d430712eb

Thanks for Reading !!!

